Audio and Video from the 2025 H.O.M.E. Higher Ed classes can be found here.

The mission of the H.O.M.E. (Home Missions, Outreach, Mercy, & Evangelism) Committee is to be a gospel community joyfully loving God & others through generous mercy and local missions by being salt and light to our neighbors.  It was formed to support the vision of New Life La Mesa to advance our mission into our neighborhood.

The H.O.M.E. Committee:

  • is comprised of Godly men and women of the New Life La Mesa congregation approved by the Session.  The current committee members are Dave Fredrickson, Randy Dykstra and Nancy Bensimon.
  • helps New Life La Mesa organize efforts in Home Missions, Outreach, Mercy, & Evangelism, taking our mission to our neighborhood.
  • provides the saints of New Life La Mesa with opportunities to financially support and physically serve in areas of need in La Mesa and throughout San Diego County.
  • follows due diligence in vetting “Partner Ministries” or other organizations in La Mesa and throughout San Diego County.
  • prays for and communicates with various "Partner Ministries" or other organizations supported by New Life La Mesa.
  • coordinates with the Session, Deacons, Missions Committee and other New Life La Mesa ministries where our focus may cross paths.

The H.O.M.E Committee urges you to consider how you can G.I.V.E. by:

  • Giving generously – “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7
  • Inviting others – “And the master said to the servant, ‘Go out to the highways and hedges and compel people to come in, that my house may be filled.” Luke 14:23
  • Volunteering – “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”  James 1:22
  • Encouraging – “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.” Hebrews 10:24

Below you can find links to various Partner Ministries that have been vetted by the H.O.M.E. Committee and have been determined to be appropriate ministries for New Life La Mesa to support through giving or volunteer activities.  Check back early and often for updates.

Missions Agencies & Links:

Engaging Disabilities with the Gospel

  • New Life Liaison – Mike Ewing

Online trainings on how to disciple and enfold people with disabilities of every age and stage of life are available for no charge at 

Click HERE for the latest update from Kevin Daane, Director of Disability Ministry Coaching

Click HERE to learn more about the $1.25 million grant to establish Room on Our Pew: Making Space for All Children in Worship. 


San Diego Rescue Mission

  • New Life Liaison – Emily Sutton

Volunteering with the San Diego Rescue Mission is more than a service opportunity. It’s a chance to bring hope, healing, and compassion to our homeless neighbors.  Whether serving a meal, providing mentorship, sorting donated items, or any other volunteer experience with the Mission, you can make an impact in our community.  Sign up to volunteer at

Check out this video of our 35 incredible students graduating from Mission Academy, our year-long residential program for people experiencing homelessness.

Your generous gift can change lives. Click HERE for more info.


CAPS Pregnancy Clinics

  • New Life Liaison – Carol Dykstra

CAPS is a California licensed medical clinic offering pregnancy education, ultrasound and pregnancy test verification, among other services. Please visit the website to learn about donations, volunteering and all that CAPS does to provide pregnancy care.

See the most recent CAPS Newsletter by clicking HERE


Embrace Grace

  • New Life Liaison – Carol Dykstra

Embrace Grace exists to help inspire and equip the church to love and encourage single and pregnant young women and their families. Women experiencing unexpected pregnancies receive practical, spiritual, and emotional support through our global support groups. Through our message of love, we are helping women see that they can have their baby and their dreams too! Being pro-life is a stance, a belief system, a vote. And it’s important. But being pro-love is an action, the boots on the ground, the hands and feet of Jesus, the church. Together, we can make abortion unthinkable.


Servant Church of San Diego

  • New Life Liaison – Dave Fredrickson

Servant Church of San Diego is a mission work of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) with a vision to have every person, family, and neighborhood in Greater Logan Heights hear the saving gospel of Jesus Christ and experience His transforming grace.  Greater Logan Heights became one the city’s most racially segregated, economically depressed, and criminally exploited urban areas for most of the last century due to discriminatory housing and business laws. In recent years, however, the community has begun experiencing renewal and redevelopment, attracting a younger generation of new-comers in search of urban housing, cultural diversity, and business opportunities.

Click HERE for the latest information from Servant Church of San Diego


Misión Vida Nueva

  • New Life Liaison – Walker Scott


Hope for San Diego

  • New Life Liaison – Nancy Bensimon

Working with churches and non-profits to serve in 4 areas:

  • At risk youth thru Just in Time For Youth
  • Anti-trafficking thru residential support and mentorship
  • Homelessness thru San Diego Rescue Mission
  • Immigration and Refugees thru World Relief and SD Tutoring

Click HERE for the latest opportunities from Hope for San Diego. 


Bridge Builders Network

227 W. Douglas Ave. El Cajon, CA 92020
Director- David Schupack

  • New Life Liaison - Nancy Bensimon

Mission statement: Bridge Builders Network is a faith-based network of individuals, churches and nonprofits rooted in relationship with Christ, who seek to build bridges of friendship and understanding among Muslims and Christians through service, education and prayer. (Primarily serving Afghan population in East County)


Learning Bridge - meets Monday & Tuesday nights 5-7pm tutoring and conversation skills for children

Women’s Sewing - classes offered and machines gifted for home use (supported by American Sewing Guild of San Diego, over 60 machines serviced and donated in last 2 years. One teacher from ASG presently.) Waiting list of 35 women need machines and additional teachers needed.

Women’s Driving - meets Thursdays 11-1:30 seeking used car for additional driving training

Men’s English - meets Saturday mornings using English in daily life skills: how to take a bus, get on the trolley

Picnics and Events - special events needing volunteers and food

Visits to home, Family and Immigration Support - partnering with the local non-profit Pathways to Citizenship, a caring and dedicated team of attorneys.

You can check out the latest news from Bridge Builders by clicking HERE.