a gospel community joyfully loving God & others

The good news of Jesus Christ’s life, death, and resurrection changes us from those who run away from God and what He desires, to yearning for His presence and will. We begin looking more like Jesus. In turn, we seek to fulfill God’s greatest two commands of loving Him and our neighbor, fulfilling the very purpose for which we are made. As we learn to love God with our whole self we take joy in honoring Him in our worship. The best way we can imagine living out this mission is proclaiming all that the Lord has revealed to us in the Bible, especially the simple, universal gospel of Jesus dying for our sins, so that we can live. Our gospel community accomplishes this by living in the Gracious Means God has given us to know Him better, doling out Generous Mercy to those who need our help, and working to see the gospel grow across the world in Global Mission.

How will we love? The 3 GMs.

Gracious Means

The Word of God (the Bible), the Sacraments (Baptism & the Lord’s Supper), and prayer (talking to God) have been the backbone of the church’s life together from the beginning (Acts 2:42). These ordinary means of grace, that communicate to us just what Jesus has done for us in the gospel, extend throughout everything we do as a church–worship, outreach, mercy, fellowship, small groups, mission, counseling–and go with us into our homes and vocations, as we live out gospel truth where God has called us to serve Him.

Generous Mercy

We have been forgiven so much, so we love much (Luke 7:47). And our love for Jesus is reflected in how we love others. He said that anything we do for the least of these, we do for Him (Matthew 25:45). We want to care for the poor, widows, orphans, those with physical, mental, or situational struggles, to reduce the overwhelming nature of those needs.

Global Mission

Jesus left his disciples with this simple command, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation” (Mark 16:15), then he sent the Holy Spirit to empower that Global Mission. We have inherited that work, and we take seriously praying, giving, and going, from La Mesa to San Diego County to the ends of the earth, we will make known the glory of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, as we want all to enjoy Him forever.