New Life News - Week of September 11, 2022

Sunday School starts   September 11!

Sunday School

Sunday school for all ages returns THIS Sunday! Here are the classes, locations, teacher, and topics to be covered. Consult the bulletin for your room’s location and be ready to help a newer member or attender find their way to where they should be!









Ages 3-5


Christa Beyenhoff
Nicole Giangregorio

"God Leads His People" - God's rescue of Israel from Egypt and how the Old Testament points to the Savior

Grades 1 & 2


Connie Kocher
Marlys Nunez

"Obeying God"
Stories of the Prophets and Kings

Grades 3 & 4


Jeanne Love
Sharon Phillips

"God's Grace in the Law” - The 10 Commandments & the Story of Exodus

Grades 5 & 6


Brad Beyenhoff
David Kocher

New Testament Bible Survey:


Youth Center
(Suite on East Side of Upstairs)

Miguel Riveron
Tiffani Riveron

Systematic Theology 

Adult Class


Pastor Connor Underseth
Mike Ewing & Shane Ferrebee

Believing & Doing: The Theology and Application of the Westminster Confession of Faith

We are (again!) Live at has a brand new design! Soon, we will take steps to show you the features of the new site. For now, the weekly Worship Guides are at the "Worship Guides” link on the top bar menu. You can also find the livestream with integrated worship guide on the homepage. Point all your friends to for all the latest!

New On-Campus Livestream Location

Throughout COVID, we have sought to provide a space with enough social distancing for those who need it. As the number of those who need such a space have diminished, we no longer need to provide a space as large as the Fellowship Hall to meet those needs. Additionally, the setup and tear down is quite a bit of extra work, in the midst of a growing list of things to be done week by week to meet the demands of our revitalizing ministries. So, starting September 18, we will be offering an On-Campus Livestream in Room 201. If you do not medically require to be socially distanced at this time, please keep this space for those who really do. We want them to feel safe and welcome in a more appropriately-sized space for the current need.

Outreach Opportunity 

Local outreach is part of our Outward to 60 Vision. Zak Israel wants you to know about an opportunity this week: Saturday & Sunday, September 17 & 18 at Faith Community Bible Church (2375 Center Place, El Cajon). Zak’s friend, George Saieg, is leading the effort. Here is the schedule:


10:00 am: Training followed by lunch ($5)

Speakers: Rev Samuel Green on "Our Mindset with Answering Common Questions” and Hatun Tash (Turkish former Muslim). The trainees will then be split into two groups, with one going to El Cajon and one going to Balboa Park.

1:00 pm- Refugee Outreach Door to Door

2:00- Balboa Park Apologetics Outreach

3:30 pm- Refugee Outreach at a park

6:00 pm- Dinner of Arabic food ($15)


2:30 pm- Balboa Park Apologetics Outreach
